
Sunday, October 16, 2016


PT Day of Service 2016!

PT Day of Service (#PTDOS) began as a thought that, what if, on the same day, clinicians, students and associated staff of the physical therapy profession volunteered in different communities all around the world? What if, they then shared those moments and acts in a way that was galvanizing, inspiring and promoted connection? PTDOS would give the PT community the unique chance to unite and contribute to something that would impact the lives of everyone involved. #PTDOS #PTServes #PTTransforms #ChoosePT #service 

How did HD Physical Therapy honor PT Day of Service this year?  Edward Harding, PTA gave an amazing demo to PTA students on how he treats C6 incomplete quadriplegic patient and friend Eric Shairs!

To support Eric, please join us for a fun, family-friendly event! #HDPT is co-hosting the 1st annual corn hole tournament to help raise funds toward a service dog! 

Check out the event page for more info:


Friday, October 7, 2016

#ACSDenimDay @ #HDPT!

Nothing feels as good as wearing your favorite pair of jeans. Well – except helping save lives from #breastcancer. #HDPT is doing both by supporting the American Cancer Society / Lee National Denim Day. Donate $5 or more to wear jeans to work Friday, Oct 7. #ACSdenimday #TeamHDPT 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016